To apply the PSN solution to your financial adviser database we run extensive data matching algorithms to your financial adviser contact lists. We have access to over

20 years of historical financial adviser records as they have moved, merged, changed name or left the industry right up to the current day. If the data you provide has outdated details, we'll be able to track where they are today, and provide that information to you.

DMI Systems data matching technology uses a complex series of algorithms to search current and historical information to look for unique matches on combinations of: names, phone numbers, email addresses, company and licensee names, and addresses. If a unique match cannot be found, manual verification involving a dedicated team is used to complete the matching process.


Your database is "cleansed", that is, updated with accurate and actively maintained data. The infrastructure is now in place to update your database at regular intervals. Now your business systems can efficiently maintain your clients contact information. This is achieved without having to modify your database, although we can embed the PSN if so desired.

In addition, all in-house and external data sources that have the PSN applied now have a common reference point from which all information related to specific financial advisers can be combined, compared, analysed, and reported on.

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